Dandenong Children`s Court Address | Find Location and Contact Information

Dandenong Children`s Court Address FAQs

Question Answer
1. Where is Dandenong Children`s Court located? The Dandenong Children`s Court is located at 53-55 Robinson St, Dandenong VIC 3175. It`s in a central location and easily accessible by public transportation.
2. What are the court`s operating hours? The court is open from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. It`s important to arrive on time for any scheduled hearings or appointments.
3. Can I park near the court? There are parking facilities available near the court, but they may fill up quickly during peak hours. It`s advisable to arrive early to secure a parking spot.
4. How do I dress for a court appearance? It`s important to dress professionally and modestly for a court appearance. Avoid wearing clothing with offensive language or symbols, and opt for a neat and tidy outfit.
5. Can I bring food or drinks into the court? Food and drinks are generally not allowed inside the courtrooms. It`s best to consume any refreshments outside the premises before entering the building.
6. Are electronic devices permitted in the court? Mobile phones and other electronic devices must be turned off in the courtroom. Using these devices can be considered disrespectful and disruptive to the proceedings.
7. What should I do if I`m running late for a court appointment? If you anticipate being late for a court appointment, it`s important to notify the court as soon as possible. Arriving late without prior notice can have negative consequences.
8. Can I bring a support person to accompany me to court? It`s usually permissible to bring a support person to court, especially for children and young individuals. However, it`s important to inform the court in advance.
9. What if I have special or require at court? If you have special or require at court, it`s important to inform court beforehand. They will make arrangements to assist you.
10. Are there specific or to at court? There are specific rules and protocols to follow at the court, including showing respect to the judge, addressing them as “Your Honor”, and refraining from disruptive behavior.

Discovering Dandenong Children`s Court Address

As a law enthusiast, exploring the intricacies of the Dandenong Children`s Court Address has been a fascinating journey. With a deep passion for understanding the legal system and a keen interest in supporting the welfare of children, discovering more about this topic has been truly enlightening.

Understanding the Importance of Dandenong Children`s Court Address

The Dandenong Children`s Court plays a pivotal role in addressing legal matters related to children in the Dandenong area. Ensuring that the address of this court is easily accessible is crucial for families and legal professionals seeking justice for children in need.

Here are some key statistics and insights about the Dandenong Children`s Court:

Statistics Insights
Number of Cases On average, the Dandenong Children`s Court handles over 1,000 cases annually, highlighting the significant need for its services.
Types of Cases The court addresses a wide range of issues including family violence, child protection, and youth justice matters, showcasing its diverse scope of impact.
Support Services The court provides access to various support services for children and families, emphasizing its commitment to holistic care and rehabilitation.

Locating Dandenong Children`s Court Address

For those seeking the address of the Dandenong Children`s Court, it is located at 53A King St, Dandenong VIC 3175, Australia. This address is pivotal for ensuring that families, legal representatives, and other stakeholders can easily access the court and its services.

Personal Reflections

Delving into the world of the Dandenong Children`s Court has been an eye-opening experience. Witnessing the dedication of the court in upholding the rights and well-being of children has only deepened my admiration for the legal system. Understanding the impact of the court`s address on the community has underscored the critical need for accessible and supportive legal services for children.

As we continue to champion the rights of children, let us also recognize the vital role of institutions such as the Dandenong Children`s Court and ensure that their address remains a beacon of hope for those in need.

Contract for Dandenong Children`s Court Address

This contract is legal between Children`s Court and parties, regarding court`s address and matters.

Parties Children`s Court
Address 56A Cleeland St, Dandenong VIC 3175, Australia
Legal Basis Refer to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (Vic)
Terms and Conditions 1. The address mentioned above shall be the official location of the Dandenong Children`s Court.
2. Any changes to the address must be notified and approved by the appropriate legal authorities.
3. The address shall be accessible to the public during the court`s operating hours.
Signatures ______________________
Date ______________________

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